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School Workshops

Who are we?

The Sid Youth has been established to offer a variety of support to young people throughout West Sussex's. We explore areas of need to benefit the young people and the community.

Who are the school workshops for?

Each six week program will consist of 6-8 students. It is available to students in all years, but we suggest it is best to focus on a cohort from either key stages three or four.
The workshops are for students identified by the school who will benefit from gaining knowledge around the key topics covered. This may include students who's school are concerned about their behaviour in school & community. 

What is covered in these sessions?

The workshop runs for 6 sessions once a week and each sessions will cover a different topic:
Week 1- Introduction
Week 2- Exploitation, cuckooing & positive friendships 
Week 3- Anti-social behaviour & substance abuse
Week 4- Police talk & modern-day slavery
Week 5-Prison,crime and consequences (including knife crime)
Week 6-Diversionary activity, introduction to fearless and evaluation.

What are the benefits?

The workshop will provide knowledge to young people on topics that are not extensively covered on the school curriculum. Young people will be more aware and able to spot the warning signs which will reduce the to them. the students will be aware how to report concerns anonymously and have a better understanding of the consequences of being involved in any of the above topics.

How to refer:

Once a date for the workshop to start has been agreed we shall send out referral forms. we need all completed referrals returned one week before the workshop starts. 
please note it is down to the school to get parent/carer consent prior to the workshop starting. please contact the Sid Youth via email or phone for more information.
                  phone: Paul Read 07889077392


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